Practical information
The school office is open from 7:30am to 3:30pm Monday to Thursday, and from 7:30am to 2:30pm on Fridays.
School phone number: 411-7950.
Head of Office: María Þóra Sveinbjörnsdóttir
School email address:
School day
The school day for students in grades 1-10 begins at 8:10am.
Morning reception starts at 7:55am.
Grades 1-4 have a continuous schedule from 8:10am to 1:30pm daily.
Grades 5-7 have a continuous schedule from 8:10am to 2:10pm daily.
Grades 8-10 have a continuous schedule from 8:10am to 2:10pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
and Thursday. On Fridays, there is a continuous schedule from 8:10am to 1:40pm.
Absence notifications
Report absences in Mentor or call the school office at the start of the school day. Report illnesses daily if absent for more than one day. For absences longer than two days, apply for special permission from school administrators.
Sports and swimming
Physical education classes are in the school gym. Outdoor physical education runs from the start of school through September and in May. Children should dress for the weather in comfortable clothes suitable for movement.
All students attend swimming lessons once a week. Swimming lessons are canceled if students don't bring swimwear.
Lost and found
We encourage parents to label students' clothes and belongings to increase the likelihood of their return. Lost and found items are located at the main entrance or with the custodian.
All students in grades 1-10 go outside for recess. Teachers and slearning support assistants supervise the schoolyard. During school hours, the schoolyard is only for school students.
Students should bring healthy snacks to school. Healthy food promotes student well-being and improves learning ability.
Students should use reusable water bottles and bring snacks in reusable containers. Students take leftover morning snacks home so parents can see what was eaten. Only reusable containers are allowed at school.
We encourage parents to send fruits and vegetables for snacks.