About the school

Illustration of Viola with fellow students, parents and teacher

Klettaskóli is a special education primary school serving the entire country. It was established in 2011. Reykjavík City operates the school, and most of its students live in Reykjavík and surrounding municipalities.


The municipalities where students reside fund the schooling for students who live outside of Reykjavík. An inclusive class from Klettaskóli is offered in Árbæjarskóli. An inclusive class is a specialized learning resource provided by Klettaskóli and located within a public primary school.

One of the school's roles is advising teaching staff from other primary schools and providing pedagogical support for students with similar educational needs to those in Klettaskóli.


How do I apply?

You apply to enroll at Klettaskóli online. The application must be accompanied by diagnosis and reports from the student's preschool or primary school as applicable. Please note that an application must be submitted to the school by March 1 of each year.

School activities

Operational plan

What's ahead for Klettaskóli? You can find several items in the operational plan, including the school's policy for the previous year, teaching planning, and much more.

School curriculum

Do you want to know more about the philosophy and daily operations of Klettaskóli? In the school curriculum, you'll find detailed information about the school's philosophical emphasis and approach to learning and work.

School council

Each primary school must have a school council that serves as a consultation forum between the principal and the school community on school operations.

Laws and regulations for school councils

The Compulsory School Act of 2008, Article 8, states: “Primary schools must have an active school council that serves as a forum for consultation between the principal and the school community on the school operation.”

  • The school council participates in shaping policy for the school and defining its unique character.
  • The school council discusses school curriculum, annual operational plan, budget and other plans.
  • The school council shall review proposed major changes to school operations before final decisions.
  • The school council monitors student safety, conditions and general welfare. The school board, as per Article 6, may assign additional tasks to individual school councils with local government approval.
  • A school council shall be composed of nine individuals for terms of two years each: two teacher representatives, one other staff representative from the school in question, two student representatives, and two parent representatives, along with the school principal who directs the school council's activities and is responsible for its establishment.
  • A school council also selects one local community representative to sit on the council or an additional parent representative. In addition, the school principal is required to call a joint meeting of the School Council and the student association board at least once a year.

School council representatives for the 2024-2025 school year




Arnheiður Helgadóttir



Valgerður Marinósdóttir

Assistant principal


Hrefna B. Pedersen



Jón Gunnar Axelsson



Helga Lind Björgvinsdóttir

General staff


Ásdís Gunnarsdóttir



Heiða Hrönn Sigfúsdóttir



Þórir Jónsson Hraundal

Local community


Primary school meals

School meals are free for the 2024-2025 school year. However, the school still needs to track information about allergies and intolerances and limit food waste. Students must register for the school lunch program as before.

Students registered last year will be automatically enrolled. Others need to register. Change the registration at matur.vala.is.

Illustration of Fjóla eating at school

Parent cooperation

We are all in this together, and as the proverb goes it takes a village to raise a child.


Reykjavík City schools make targeted efforts to consult with and increase parent involvement in school activities.


All schools in Reykjavík City have an active parent association.

Teikning af Fjólu á leið í skólann ásamt fleiri nemendum og foreldrum

Evaluation of school activities

The goal of evaluating and monitoring the quality of work is to provide information about school activities, their results and development.